Thursday, June 24, 2010

USA USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

USA has advandeced to the round of 16 teams after beating Algerea 1-0. They will play the group D runner up next in the round of 16. Before this game they tied Slovinea 2-2. They would have won the game if the winning goal wasn't disoled by the reff. And before that the also tied England because their goal kepper let the ball bounce of his hands into the goal. You can see the video on my blog. I hope they win the game.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


This is the softest goal you will ever see.


This video shows the game winning goal for the USA enjoy

MOVE ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, June 17, 2010


My life stinks. I hate it. It sucks.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Summer is here fanilly and school is out! Now that summer is here and the pools are open I hope you will have a relaxing summer. Enjoy the holidays and the beach. Watch TV and play video games.

Monday, June 14, 2010


The EPF is the new secret agency on CP. The PSA is ofisillay over now. The old HQ was blon up. To take the test go to the sport shop and hit the target (hint don't step on the bule sqare). First, hit the target. Then, hide bhind one of the 2 back collums and hit the back caemera. Fillay, when it says step on the blue square rember when I said don't step on the blue square I MEAN IT ether throw a snowball on it or just don't step on it ether will work fine. This is how you get a perfict score. Last, step in the elavator and go into HQ. You also get a new spy phone.


Saturday, June 12, 2010


The 2010 World Cup has begun in South Afraca. South Korea beat Greece 2-0. USA will play England at 1:30et ABC. Argenta is beating Nigeriea 1-0. The World cup will end on July 11th with the fianals. Who do you think will win the World Cup?

Friday, June 11, 2010


He is amazing man really Stevefan Stawsburg is awsome. In his first start he went 7 innigs and struk out 14 batters on Wesnday against the Pirates in the Nat's win. He can throw a 101 mph fastball. Adam Dunn and Josh Willingham hit back-to-back homers in the 5-2 win Stawsburg's next start is against the Indans I bet he will do good again.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I just got Super Mario Galicy 2 yesterday. It is so fun because Yoshi is in it. I'm on world 2 the level where you have to fight Bowser. I also got the guild. I recomend you get it. There are new powers like cloud Mario and rock Mario. Bowser is HUGE man I mean HUGE. I think it is better than the first.

P.S. Have an anventure of COSMIK PRPORSHINS